Wednesday 26 July 2017

Chapter 4 : Time Management and Organizational Skills

Lecture by Nur Syahida Binti Zulkifli

Definition of time

  1. 1.
    the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.
    "travel through space and time"
  2. 2.
    a point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon.
    "the time is 9:30"
    "what time is it?"
  1. 1.
    plan, schedule, or arrange when (something) should happen or be done.
    "the first track race is timed for 11:15"
    synonyms:scheduleset, set up, arrangeorganizecoordinatefix, line up, slot in, prearrangetimetableplan
    "the events were timed perfectly"
  2. 2.
    measure the time taken by (a process or activity, or a person doing it).
    "we were timed and given certificates according to our speed"
    synonyms:measureclock, record one's time
    "we timed ourselves to prepare for the race"
  3. Definition of time management

  4. time man·age·ment
    1. the ability to use one's time effectively or productively, especially at work.
      "time management is the key to efficient working"


  • Weekly schedule 
  • Daily Planner (more details)
  • Semester Calendar
  • Academic vs personal life
This strategies is important to avoid procrastination


- Act of putting off intentionally to doing of something should be done
  • It is behavior - Postpone/delay work/activity
  • Source of great stress and anxiety of many people

How to manage time?

  • Time management tools (in phone : calendar, reminder)
  • weekly planner/ daily planner

  1. Routine
  2. ASAP
  3. ASAP
  4. Routine
  5. ASAP
  6. ASAP
  7. ASAP

  8. ASAP
  9. ASAP
  10. ASAP

Semester schedule

Week 1
  • Semester Interim
  • Lecture start
  • Presentation movie (ELC)
Week 2
  • Presentation in pairs (ELC)
Week 3
  • (ELC) LIRA 1 (20/6)
Week 4
  • (ELC) Listening test 1 (6/7)
  • Presentation Country 
  • Start koko
Week 5 
  • (CTU) Exam 1
  • (ELC) Movie Analysis (11/7)
  • (ELC) LIRA 2 (12/7) 
Week 6
  • (ELC) Role play
  • (CTU) Deadline assignment
  • (CTU) Deadline Yasin
Week 7 
  • (CTU) Analysis Presentation (25/7)
  • (ELC) Listening test (25/7)

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Chapter 2: Goal setting and learning management system

Lecture by Madam Amira Syazwani Binti Abd Rahman

What is goal?

noun: goal; plural noun: goals
  1. 1.
    (in football, soccer, rugby, hockey, and some other games) a pair of posts linked by a crossbar and often with a net attached behind it, forming a space into or over which the ball has to be sent in order to score.
    • an instance of sending the ball into or over the goal, especially as a unit of scoring in a game.
      "the decisive opening goal"
    • a cage or basket used as a goal in other sports.
  2. 2.
    the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.
    "going to law school has become the most important goal in his life"
    • the destination of a journey.
      "the aircraft bumped toward our goal some 400 miles to the west"
    • literary
      a point marking the end of a race.

    • Goal that I want to talk about is not goal that in definition 1 but in definition 2.

    • Topic: -

1. Characteristics of goals
2. Academic and personal goals
3. Writing effective goal statement

  • Self-Chosen
  • Moderately Challenging
  • Realistic
  • Measurable
  • Specific
  • Finite (Having limits or bounds)
  • Positive
  1. Goals are end towards which we direct our effort, What we want to achieve!. Its important in our life because it could motivate us to do work, attend classes and study for exam. Even though you already may have set some goals before in your life, chances are you thought little about whether those goals were realistic. We can actually improve our academic performance in university by learning to set goals that motivate us to do well in future.


Ask yourself..
  • What are your academic goals?
  • What are your personal goals
  • What are the different between it?
  • Importance of both and well balanced goals.
  • What do you want to achieve by join the course that you have chosen?
Try to answer it :)


Step by step of writing effective goal statement

Step 1 : Write down what you want to accomplish.

Step 2 : Write down any obstacles.

Step 3 : Write down any resources around you.

Step 4 : Review and revise your goal statement.

Step 5 : Polish your goal statement.

Thursday 13 July 2017

Chapter 6 : Taking Lecture Notes

By Madam Normala Ismail

  1. Taking Lecture Notes
  2. Effective note taking system
Module Review
  • Why taking lecture notes?
  • How to take lecture notes?
  • What to include in notes?
  • Reviewing notes


Why taking lecture notes?

  • Active listening
  • Accurate record of information
  • To interpret, condense and organize information
  • For repetition of material

How to take lecture notes?

Prepare before taking notes

  • Read before class
  • By reading the text:
  1. Build up the background about the topic
  2. Have idea what the lecture is about
  3. Identify main ideas of the lecture and organize notes easier
  4. Be familiar with the key terms relates to the topic
  • Get ready to take notes as walk into the classroom
  • Sitting in front of the classroom
  • Find motivated friend for sit in the first rows of class
  • Review the notes while waiting for class begin


  • Read before the lecture
  • Review last notes
  • Sit in the lecture's line of  vision
  • What to listen
  • Focus physically and mentally
  • Open mind and listen carefully
  • Control emotional
  • Listen for the main point and elated details and take notes
  • Ask and  answer questions
  • Monitoring listening by checking with lecturer and classmate if unsure of same information

Effective note taking system the Cornell note taking method

  • Excellent format setting up note page
  • 8 1/2 inches x 11 inches notebook
  • Has recall/cue column and summary column at the end

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Chapter 3 : Library and Campus Resources

Lecture by Miss Nur Fatihah Binti Muhammad
(Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak (PTAR))


Permanent lecturer 20 books
Contract lecturer 20 books
Part-time lecturer 3 books
Administrative staff 20 books
Degree 20 books
Diploma 20 books
Pre-student 3 books

Borrowing and returns

Late return fine (Students only)
  • Pay 20 cent
  • The last warning notice will be sent
  • Reliance lending facilities
  • Reminder letters will be sent to the address of the parents or guardian
  • The name will be sent to the HEP for disciplinary action

Books lost or damaged

  • Report a book loss or damaged to avoid increased costs fines
  • Material damages include: prices


  • Open shelf collection
  • Reference collection
  • Borrowing and returning of books
  • A collection of serial materials (magazines and journals)
  • Collection of newspapers
  • Digital collections/previous semester question papers (EQMS)
  • Online databases (the E-Journal and E-book)
  • Web OPAC
  • IT place
  • Reading space
  • Borrowing between library (ILL)
  • Referral service
  • Class skills
Information discovery

Past semester paper -
About UiTM -
Library uitm -

Borrowing Process


Online resources service


Library collection format
  • Books
  • Megazine

Monday 10 July 2017

Chapter 7 : Academic Integrity and Performance

Lecture by Madam Nurul Afzan Najid (ACC106)

  1. Avoid Plagiarism
  2. Calculating Grade Point Average
> Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Many students are unintentionally guilty of plagiarism when they write reports, assignment research papers.
> Plagiarism:
  • An act of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author.


  • Turning as someone else's work as your own
  • Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
  • Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
  • Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
  • Changing words but copying the sentences structure of a source without giving credit
  • Copying so many words or ideas from a sources that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not
How to prevent?

Planning your paper
  • Consult your instructor/lecture
  • Plan your paper
  • Take effective notes
Writing your paper
  • Cite sources
  • Make it clear who said what (Code,referent)
  • Know how to paraphrase
  • Evaluate your sources
  • Include a reference page (Front page, introduction, content, calculation, referent)
Academic performance
:Calculating grade point arrange
  • The final examination result and assessment at the end of every semester are assigned a grade point average (GPA) and a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) which represent a student's academic achievement.
How to calculate GPA and CGPA -

Thursday 6 July 2017

Chapter 5: Memory Learning and Improving oncentration

> Lectured by Miss Shamsinar Binti Rahman <
(She's also advisor in RB2D class)

  1. Understanding Memory Processes
  2. Memory Strategies 
  3. Understanding Concentration
  4. Strategies For Improving Concentration
  5. Reading/Study System (SQ3R)

"knowledge comes with learning, skill comes with experience. ATTITUDE never comes, developed..!" (Vishaak)

Why you need to learn study skills?

  • Study skills or academic skills or study strategies are approaches applied to learning.
  • Study skills not ONLY  helps you succeed academically, It WILL also help you do well in life.
  • WITHOUT effective study skills you will become overwhelmed and discouraged.

The Pyramid Learning



  • The brain is the physical place.
  • Brain is part of visible, tangible world of the body.


  • Memory allows us to remember facts and experiences.
  • Consist of encoding, storing information, and retrieval, making that information available for recall.
  • When we see or experience something, it leaves a trace in our brain.

What is learning?
  • Learning, unlike memory, it's NOT about storing information. BUT, LEARNING IS A BEHAVIOR.
  • Learning is about acquiring information, memory about storing it.
  • In a way, you could say that learning is a process, and memory is the record of the process.

Computer Analogy

A) Understanding Memory Processes : Computer Analogy
  • Encoding / input (computer - keyboard, camera; human - the 5 senses: ears, mouth, nose, skin, eyes)
  • Storage (Computer - hard disk, thumb drive; human - 3 types of memory - SM, STM, LTM)
  • Retrieval / output (computer - computer screen, printer; human - writing, talking)


  • Weakness to recall the information of long-term memory is synonym as "forget"
  • The ability of the brain can improve through various stimuli, advice, nutrition, exercise, training, practice and taboo.Spiritual practices including prayer, worship, and taqwa can nourish and activate brain cells

How forgetting could occur?

  1. Did not pay attention to the information 
  2. Did not understand the information
  3. Cramming (last minute study)
  4. Did not have good strategies 
  5. Interference (having 2 exams on same day especially if the subjects are closely related for example psychology and counselling)
  6. Test anxiety (negative thoughts about oneself, did not prepare well for the test)

Memory strategies

  • Memory strategies refer to any of a broad set of techniques that are designed to help one remember.
  • Such strategies range from everyday, external aids (e.g. using a planner) to internal memory strategies (e.g. mnemonic devices) that facilitate storage and retrieval from long-term memory.
  • Memory strategies will help students in their encoding, storing and retrieving the information (help to remember and recall).
B) Memory strategies (How to Improve Your Memory)

1.Massed practice vs Space practice

The different between massed practice and space practice is the time. For the messed practice, study all material at one time, the person don't have time to understand,remember, organize the reading materials because short-term memory (STM) cannot sustain many information at one time. This different to space practice, it involves space time over some period of time for studying.Taking breaks between learning sessions allow you to think and organize the information because space practice allows the time for the information to consolidate in the long-term memory (LTM). So that I recommend to do the space practice.

2.Break reading material down
  • (again no cramming ) for some period of time e.g. 2 chapters per day not all chapters a day before the exam.
  • Repeat the information many times.
4.Elaboration strategies
  • Associations : To associate, or "connect" each word or event with person, place, thing, feeling, or situation, e.g: vertical vs horizontal
  • Acronyms / catchwords : e.g. MAS - Malaysian Airlines System; UiTM - University Technology MARA
  • Acrostics / catchphrases : e.g. NASA, one could remember the catchphrase No Astronaut Stays Around
Visualize the image of information

5.Organizational Strategies
  • Organize the material
C) Understanding concentration : Strategies for improving concentration
  • Concentration - focusing your attention on what you are doing
  • Causes of poor concentration
  • >Lack of attention
  • >Lack of interest
  • >Lack of motivation
  • >Distraction from others
  • >Uncomfortable environment
  • >Physiological matters - Illness, tiredness
  • >Physiological matters - personal problems, worries, anxieties

D) Strategies for improving concentration
  • use motivational and organizational strategies
  • >create interest in the work (if reading boring, than takes notes/ do mind maps)
  • >develop a positive attitude toward your work (tell yourself you can do it)
  • >use goal setting strategies (set your goal,e.g: complete before raya)
  • >use time-management strategies (use to-do list, planner, calendar etc)
  • Create a positive learning environment
  • >find a better location (seat at the front in class,study at library)
  • >reduce multitasking (open book,stop use technology)
  • Deal with internal distractions
  • >deal with personal problems
  • >deal with competing activities
  • use active learning strategies (as discussed in improving memory)
  • match your earning style to the task
  • Monitor your concentration (if you're daydreaming put a check mark and count the no of interruptions)
E) Reading / Study system (SQ3R)

Friday 30 June 2017

Chapter 1: Getting Ready to Learn

In first Chapter Getting Ready to Learn we talk about the syllabus content of every chapter in Study Skills

Syllabus Content
  1. Geting Ready to Learn
  2. Goal Setting
  3.  Library and Campus Resources
  4. Time Mangement and Organization Skills
  5. Memory Learning and Improving Concentration
  6. Taking Lecture Notes
  7. Academic Integrity and Performance
Other than that, tips to pass in Study Skills

For Assessment:
  • Assignment (Video): 40% (In Group)
  • e-Portfolio: 60% (Blog)
Pass is > 50
Fail < 45

Different between school and collage studies
  • Spend less time in class
  • Spend more times studying outside
  • More reading
  • Fewer test
  • Not be reminded of due dares and exams
  • Fewer daily assignment and may not b checked 
  • Live and study same
  • Instructor don't tell exactly what's on he test
  • More team assignments with meeting outside
  • Attendance may not be required (NOT LESS THAN 80%)
  • No Extensions on due dates
  • Participants affect grade
  • Fewer reasons for excused absences
  • Responsible for your own learning and behavior
  • Only have certain instructor for a few months 
  • Instructors don't tell you exactly what notes to takes
  • You can drop a class
  • Instructor may not trained in education
  • May not have TA or GA as an instructor

Monday 19 June 2017

My Introduction

Hi, Assalamualaikum,

Thank you for visiting my blog :)

My name is Nur Nadzirah Binti Mustafa, I love to tell you that I am UiTM student part 1 2017. I was born in 10 September 1999 which that I'll turn to 18 in 10 September 2017.I am the third child in my family.

About my family, I have 6 family members that require father, mother, my older sister, older brother, me and my younger brother. My father is "Peneroka" at Felda Lurah Bilut, for my mother she is housewife.My sister, she just graduate from UiTM Jengka in degree and she was rewarded for Vice Chancellor. My older brother he is student at Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University Collage (KLMUC) and for my younger brother he is high school student in daily school.

I just passed my SPM last year, and for the result I get 5A2B1C, I am a bit disappointed with the result and regret for not follow the study rule but in same time I was so happy because at lease my parents still happy with the result.

Hi Visitor, thank you for visiting my first blog and thank you for your time for reading my introduction.

Chapter 4 : Time Management and Organizational Skills

Lecture by Nur Syahida Binti Zulkifli Definition of time time tīm/ noun 1 . the indefinite continued progress of existe...