Syllabus Content
- Geting Ready to Learn
- Goal Setting
- Library and Campus Resources
- Time Mangement and Organization Skills
- Memory Learning and Improving Concentration
- Taking Lecture Notes
- Academic Integrity and Performance
Other than that, tips to pass in Study Skills
For Assessment:
- Assignment (Video): 40% (In Group)
- e-Portfolio: 60% (Blog)
Pass is > 50
Fail < 45
Different between school and collage studies
- Spend less time in class
- Spend more times studying outside
- More reading
- Fewer test
- Not be reminded of due dares and exams
- Fewer daily assignment and may not b checked
- Live and study same
- Instructor don't tell exactly what's on he test
- More team assignments with meeting outside
- Attendance may not be required (NOT LESS THAN 80%)
- No Extensions on due dates
- Participants affect grade
- Fewer reasons for excused absences
- Responsible for your own learning and behavior
- Only have certain instructor for a few months
- Instructors don't tell you exactly what notes to takes
- You can drop a class
- Instructor may not trained in education
- May not have TA or GA as an instructor